Wrist Pain from Sitting at the Computer
Do you spend a long time sitting and working in front of your desktop each day? If so, you might have noticed that you occasionally experience wrist pain, particularly during those busy periods when workload increases and breaks become infrequent. What is the cause of this pain? While it is not for certain, there is

Wrist Arthritis from Being on the Phone
Smartphones have become a huge part of most people’s daily lives. From scrolling through social media and texting to answering emails and browsing the web, most of us will spend a significant amount of time using them at every possible opportunity. According to statistics released by eMarketer, in 2019, the average adult in the United

Gaming Posture and Chiropractic Care
It is estimated that over 164 million adults in the United States of America regularly play video games. The research also showed that around 75% of all American households comprise at least one gamer. There is no doubt surrounding the fact that the popularity of video games has sky-rocketed over the course of the last

How Chiropractic Care Can Improve Skin Health
Chiropractic care is a medical treatment that involves a licensed professional using their hands or other specialist tools to manipulate areas of your body, mainly to help relieve various health issues. Chiropractic care can offer countless health benefits, including improved spinal function, a boost in immunity, and a reduction in stress and anxiety. Regular chiropractic

Super Foods for a Superhuman
Superfoods have become ever more popular over the years and can now be found in most supermarkets and health stores. Eating superfoods can be a great way to boost your energy levels, aid weight loss, and enhance your overall health and wellbeing. Including superfoods in a well-balanced diet has also been linked to a reduced

Foods that Help Fight Inflammation
Inflammation is a common medical condition that is often caused by injury or illness. Experiencing periods of inflammation or swelling is not usually a cause for concern. However, the condition can cause pain and inconvenience, particularly for people who suffer from regular or chronic episodes of inflammation. There are plenty of natural remedies to help