Chiropractic for Shoulder Pain
Chiropractic Care
for Shoulder Pain
Although most cases of shoulder pain have underlying medical conditions, shoulder pain can be a disabling and long-term condition for many sufferers that can cause swelling and irritation. Chiropractic care focuses on treating shoulder pain through natural techniques such as hands-on manipulation and lifestyle changes to relieve pain in the shoulder joint from a rotator cuff injury, shoulder bursitis, frozen shoulder syndrome, a dislocated shoulder, and other painful shoulder conditions.
If you are subject to shoulder pain and want to find the best treatment to alleviate it, a chiropractor for shoulder pain can help using myofascial release in tight connective tissues to give you relief. SnapCrack provides this form of chiropractic treatment using chiropractic techniques that can help you decrease pain and embrace life.
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What Causes Shoulder Pain?
Osteoarthritis, when the cartilage in your joints thins through slow deterioration, can cause shoulder pain as your joints will be unable to move as fluidly as before you had the condition. Although the joints do repair themselves, this can often have side effects such as swelling when these repairs change the shape of your joints.
Pain in the shoulder region can also be caused by conditions such as polymyalgia rheumatica, which causes pain and stiffness in the muscles. If you have this condition, you may experience a dull ache along with other symptoms similar to flu, such as a fever. However, the aches will not be isolated to your shoulder joint. The pain can be found in other areas of your body, such as your neck and hips. You will have pain in both shoulders usually, and they may also be inflamed.
Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause pain to your shoulder joints, and you may also get stiffness and inflammation in affected areas. When you have rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system attacks healthy tissues, which can cause wear and even disintegrate your joints, leaving your shoulders hurting.
Shoulder injuries such as shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff tear, or rotator cuff tendonitis may cause dull or sharp pain. Injury or infection in the shoulder or shoulder blade will be noticeable by the red, swollen appearance of your shoulder or restricted movement. These constant aches may also occur if you injure the muscles around your shoulders. Inflammation may also occur in the bursae, the sacs around your joints that allow them to move freely due to their cushioning nature. Inflammation can then cause pressure on the shoulder bone.
You may get shoulder aches from poor posture, which can be due to the way that you sit, the way that you perform physical work or your workstation when you are at a computer. This can cause pain due to tension in the muscles surrounding your shoulder. Taking the right steps to prevent shoulder pain is important, but often, those who experience shoulder pain must go beyond a shoulder girdle and strengthening exercises to decrease stiffness and improve the shoulder’s range.
Whether you have endured a shoulder injury, a wear and tear condition, or are suffering from an autoimmune disorder, the good news is that you can relieve shoulder pain with the help of a chiropractor.
How Can Chiropractors Work to Relieve Shoulder Pain?
Although shoulder pain can be caused by a variety of different medical conditions and issues, a trained chiropractor can help you to cope with all of the different types of shoulder pain easily, relieving your body from pressure through chiropractic adjustments.
Chiropractors use hands-on adjustments such as The Crack, The Drop, and The Click methods to provide pain relief through a release of pressure on pinched nerves that impact the nervous system. Chiropractic adjustment can treat shoulder pain by relieving any excessive pressure on the limbs and allow them to stay pain-free.
Applying gentle pressure on cervical vertebrae will loosen the joint capsule which can also boost the body’s natural healing abilities, allowing it to restore any stiffness and inflammation to their usual flexibility and motion. This functional technique can help to prevent conditions such as shoulder pain by keeping them supple. Rather than masking the pain that sufferers may be subject to, like medication, a chiropractor for shoulder pain can relieve pain completely by reducing the body’s sensitivity to pain through cervical spinal manipulation and direct thrust technique approaches.
Local Shoulder Chiropractors for Painful Conditions at SnapCrack
If you are interested in what the techniques of chiropractic care can do for you, SnapCrack Chiropractic can help to resolve any initial pain that you feel in your shoulders and other areas of the body from sudden trauma, a pinched nerve, tendon injuries, rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulders, and more. Although it cannot treat the root cause of the issue, SnapCrack can relieve the pain that you feel through expert techniques and a customized plan that is suited to your individual experience. Not only this, but our no-appointment policy means that it is simple to receive the benefits of chiropractic care when you are hurting, allowing you to get treatment for both long-term, regular, and short-term conditions. Our patients have found the relief they need through myofascial therapy and other techniques.
Shoulder aches can be difficult to treat due to the wide variety of different causes and conditions. However, chiropractic care can help you to cope with your painful shoulder symptoms such as inflammation and mobile joint loss through their ability to relieve the pressure points of your body and boost the body’s natural healing processes. For both long-term and short-term conditions, this can ensure that you can have a natural recovery from shoulder pain, along with lifestyle changes.
If you want to improve your range of motion or eliminate the aches that are holding you back, stop by SnapCrack for a physical exam to determine the best course of action today.
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